Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey friends and family,
I am still here! Staying busy as always. Recently, I have enjoyed meeting a lot of new people at two different churches. I always love meeting new people and spending time with them. I know that even these encounters have a purpose, and I pray that God would let me be a "light" not just a "white" distraction.
Patience is a virtue and there is always plenty of room for practice. Sometimes it is really hard not to get frustrated when you have been doing the same things with different kids day after day and then one of them won't listen. In the last week I have really begun to refocus my language therapy and school time. I have always been the kind of person to just do the work and then move on to the next lesson. Since about 7th grade I've closed all my school books only to quickly open another until I could say I was done. Now, I know there is always another one! In the last week I have really begun to refocus my time in language therapy and in school because while there will always be a need for physical improvement the comparis has no comparison to the importance of spiritual issues. In language therapy I have started reading a different verse to them every day and then piecing together some Spanish words, in my still ever so limited Spanish, to explain the importance of the verse. I've really come to grasp with the importance of just taking the time a child needs for proper correction rather then getting frustrated with how little we are getting done.
I have had the opportunity to read different passages of scripture with one of the older girls in the last couple of weeks. While she does not yet have a personal love for God's word, she definitely knows how important it is to me.
I will be starting with two more girls in language therapy this week. Pray that I would get enough sleep and have plenty of energy to smile, hug, and love.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Cor. 5:17

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Lord is obviously working in your heart and mind Lindsey. You are so right! Character and spiritual issues far outweigh any other 'lesson' for the day. What a blessing that the Lord has allowed you to see this important truth and is helping you to put action to this knowledge!

Praying for you today and it was great hearing from you!

Much love,
Mrs. Baker