Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Spreading Hope away from Home

The count down has begun for my trip to Peru. I leave September 1st and will be gone for three months. I am amazed and excited about the opportunity God has opened for me to go to Trujillo, Peru to serve Him at an orphanage. James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” I have wanted to go on the mission field as long as I can remember, and my desire was always to work with children. My dad will be traveling down with me, and he will be staying for a week before returning home. The little I know about what my jobs will be at the orphanage are working as a school assistant and working with children in language therapy in the afternoons. Please pray that I will be a tool in our Father’s hands. Also pray for traveling mercies for my dad and I as we try to find our way around a Spanish speaking world! The name of the orphanage I will be serving at is Hogar De Esperanza “Home of Hope”.


Anonymous said...

May God Bless you use you to Glorify Him! We'll be Praying for you! LOVE.
Young, Kendra and Noah

Unknown said...

I came accross this song today, and immediatly i thought of you and the work that your doing for our Lord!


PS. dont drink the water