Saturday, August 30, 2008

Packing Up

Here is my first picture. I was experimenting with my new camera to make sure I could get pictures off of it and onto my blog; since, sometimes I can be technically challenged or maybe it is technically uninterested. Any way after some help from Jordan getting the picture rotated the project is complete.
I thought I could fit everything in one bag and a carry on but because of the weight restrictions cramming doesn't help. So I will have to use my dad's carry on as well.

My hero is Jim Elliot. As I do mission work whether at home or overseas my desires are summed up by his quote "He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose."
Whether it is money, time, energy, sleep, health, or life it is worth it in eternity.


Anonymous said...

Yes, cramming for the airplane is a lot like cramming for a math test, it doesn't do any good! Mom :0)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsey, it's Chris Lee(because Rachel said to put our last name) just wanted to say hey. I hope your flight there was good and to thank you for giving up your precious time to do the Lord's work. orry got to make this short email me at and yes I will check it.

PS cramming is not only the worst route to take as long as the route end with a good grade.